Know Thy Author: The (Mostly) Thrilling Tale


Welcome to the part of the website where I attempt to make my life sound more exciting than it probably is. But hey, you clicked here, so you must be curious! Imagine a person who’s equal parts caffeine-fueled ambition, random trivia knowledge, and a slight obsession with achieving that perfect Netflix binge-work balance. I’m all about chasing goals, making things happen, and having a laugh. Stick around, and you might just learn a thing or two—or at least get a chuckle!

Through this blog, I plan to dish out my (occasionally brilliant, often quirky) takes on all the things that matter to you. Expect a buffet of personal stories, expert nuggets of wisdom, and lively debates designed to keep you informed, inspired, and hopefully entertained. By swinging by regularly, you’ll not only be along for the ride on my journey but also enriching your own with content that’ll make you think, laugh, and maybe even shake things up. Together, we can build a vibrant crew of curious minds who love learning and growing—preferably with snacks in hand.

I’ve teamed up with some big-name brands you definitely know (and probably love) to bring you the good stuff—honest reviews, insider tips, deal alerts, and all sorts of fun extras. These partnerships mean I’ve got the scoop on the latest trends and best bargains, so you’ll always be in the know and ahead of the curve. There’s a lot swirling around in my head, and it’s going to take some time to spill it all out here, but trust me, it’ll be worth the wait. I’ll be mixing things up with deep-dive reviews, quick-hit tips, and exclusive offers you won’t find anywhere else. While you’re waiting for the goods, go ahead and like, follow, and subscribe to my socials to make sure you’re getting the whole story. Your engagement means the world, and together, we’ll build a community that’s all about shared knowledge, sweet deals, and a dash of fun.

What’s Your Top Three Faves About Yourself, You Marvelous Human?

Who am I, you ask? Well, I’m just a human navigating the wild rollercoaster of life—learning, tripping, and occasionally sticking the landing. My journey’s got its fair share of highs, lows, and the occasional “what was I thinking?” moments, all of which have shaped who I am and who I’m still becoming. Along the way, I’m diving headfirst into my passions, sorting through my values, and uncovering new layers of myself (like a human onion, but way more fun). Spoiler alert: I’m still figuring out this whole “finding my place in the world” thing, but hey, that’s half the adventure!

Photo by Zedits

Hi! I’m Dorey Duncan Scott, a mother of three, wife and fashion entrepreneur. I started my career in fashion back in the early 90’s when I did print, still and runway modeling. I studied Fashion Merchandising, Music Business and Marketing, while also obtaining certificates in such industry-necessary areas such as make-up, styling and runway choreography. In addition, I had work as a spokesmodel for several brands, appearing in print and in person. I’ve walked some fun runways, filmed some great commercials and done some pretty crazy things to get through a show! Whether it be duct-tape hemming, paperclip tailoring or Band-Aid customization, I’ve probably given it a whirl at least once!

But then, motherhood took the wheel and I gained a whole other set of goodies to add to my bag of tricks! I never lost my love for music and fashion and I quickly found myself designing and creating clothes, stage-wear and costumes of all sorts for my mini-me’s and their friends.

Gaining a reputation for my personal style and a name for my creative “Dorey flare”, I was asked to begin working with artists, styling and managing their careers and things have snow-balled from there! I still have my love for art, fashion and music and now that my mini-me’s aren’t so mini anymore I, again, have time to concentrate my energies into pulling myself out of the “mommy mode” to which I have become so accustomed.

I know I’m not alone out here! I’m willing to wager there’s plenty more of us working to pull ourselves out of mommy or daddy mode and reclaim the spirit and spunk we once exuded before parenthood taught us to put the kids first. Life has happened and, let’s face it, many of us (myself included) don’t see the same person we used to see looking back at us from the mirror. For me, I’ve experienced health issues, gained weight, grown gray hair, developed wrinkles and lost more than my fair share of cat-like-reflexes, but “I” am still inside here underneath it all. I may need fancy glasses to see to put it on, but you can bet your bottom dollar I’m still going to rock my make-up, style and clothing the way I like it. I’m going to get out of the mindset that I’m somebody’s mother and get into the mindset that I am somebody, period. No further designation is necessary.

So, come on! I’m inviting you to take this journey along with me as I start the path to reclaiming myself from mommy mode and exploring what life in my 40’s should look like. We’ll take a closer look – together. I hope you’ll join me.

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