Author: doreyduncanscott

  • Teeth Whitening: Everything you Need to Know

    Teeth Whitening: Everything you Need to Know
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    What Is Tooth Whitening? Tooth whitening is a process that “bleaches” the teeth, removing it of stains on the enamel and dentin to affect a lightening of any discoloration present. A common tooth whitening procedure uses carbamide peroxide poured over a custom mouth-guard worn over the teeth. What Is Tooth Discoloration? Defining tooth discoloration depends… Read more

  • Sunscreen: Is It Safe?

    Sunscreen: Is It Safe?
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    The Sunscreen Marketplace I was surprised to learn that the sunscreen market is as big as it is. About 4 billion dollars a year are spent on sunscreens. However, In America people are not adequately protecting themselves. Sixty percent of Americans actively seek a tan, less than 30 percent use sunscreen while on vacation, and… Read more

  • Changing Your Look With Colored Contact Lenses

    Changing Your Look With Colored Contact Lenses
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    The 21st century very well may be remembered as the point in history when people made rather drastic changes to their physical appearances on what might be considered something of a whim. Plastic surgery — once a relatively uncommon procedure — has become commonplace. However, such drastic changes really are not for everyone. One avenue… Read more

  • DIY Perfume

    DIY Perfume
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    If you don’t like any commercial perfumes, make your own. That’s probably the best thing to do rather than get frustrated from spending hours and hours smelling perfumes in department stores and specialty shops. Also, you might end up creating a scent that is cheaper yet richer and more perfect for your body. When making… Read more

  • Bobs And Short Haircuts

    Bobs And Short Haircuts

    Bobs and short haircuts for women made their debut in the 1920s and were greeted with raised eyebrows and allegations of scandal. Since then, bobs and short haircuts for women have become permanent fashion fixtures and are here to stay. Bobs and short haircuts can be quite easy to manage and can look appropriate for… Read more

  • Benefits of Green Tea

    Benefits of Green Tea

    There has been an influx of media coverage about the health benefits of green tea. Most green tea enthusiasts may base their opinions on green tea around their own experiences of the beverage. The Chinese have been drinking green tea for thousands of years due to its miracle working abilities. Green tea has been used… Read more

  • Aromatherapy: Revive Your Senses

    Aromatherapy: Revive Your Senses

    The art of aromatherapy had been practiced since the earliest times. Strong evidence was found to link aromatherapy to ancient traditions. Though aromatic oils had been used to treat and cure various ailments and conditions for who knows how long, the formal study on their properties only started in 1928. In its simplest form, aromatherapy… Read more

  • Anti-Aging Skin Care: Why Can’t We Just Keep it Simple?

    Anti-Aging Skin Care:  Why Can’t We Just Keep it Simple?
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    If you’ve ever tried to find a skin care product to deal with the skin care concerns of aging skin, you’re probably as confused as the average person. There are so many products and ingredients that tout ‘increase in this’, ‘decrease in that’, ‘revitalized this and revitalized that’ and on and on and on. Many… Read more

  • Airbrush Makeup

    Airbrush Makeup

    Airbrush makeup creates a flawless face – almost as if you took your picture and ran it through Photoshop. Here’s how it works-  a tiny amount of specialized foundation makeup is mixed with a few drops of water, and then sprayed onto the face with a wand. The result is a sheer, yet full coverage.… Read more

  • 4 Natural Home Remedies to Ease the Pain of Sunburn

    4 Natural Home Remedies to Ease the Pain of Sunburn

    At some time or another, we’ve all experienced the effects of sunburn – be it a light burn or a more heavy burn. Although the sting of regret of inadequate protection (from UV exposure) can be an excellent incentive to plan more carefully on ‘future’ occasions, it’s of little help in soothing the immediate physical… Read more

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