Category: Beauty

  • Finding the Right Perfume

    Finding the Right Perfume
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    Buying Perfume can be a very hard decision, especially when you are buying it for someone else. Different people will have different choices of perfume. Also each fragrance will produce a different scent on various types of skin. Therefore, when buying perfume we need to do some good research and try it out before you… Read more

  • How To Apply Eyeliner

    How To Apply Eyeliner

    Apply Eyeliner Like A Professional Many people think they already know how to apply eyeliner, and by all rights, they do a good job.  In actuality, there is a big difference between the way you might apply eyeliner and the way a professional make-up artist does.  Use these easy-to-follow steps and you can apply eyeliner… Read more

  • Herbal Skincare

    Herbal Skincare
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    Skin care is not a topic of recent times; it has been in practice since ancient times, when herbal skin care was probably the only way to take care of skin. However, skin care has transformed in a big way. Herbal skin care routines have been replaced by synthetic/chemical-based skin care routines. The herbal skin… Read more

  • Hairstyles In A Hurry: Fast Tips For Fast Living

    Hairstyles In A Hurry: Fast Tips For Fast Living

    It can be hard to get your hair to look like you want it to. Especially when you’re in a hurry. Well now you can relax with these great looking hairstyles you can create without spending much time. Fast Forward Curl: This sophisticated looking style is quick and easy- The Messy Updo Hair: Practice: Practicing… Read more

  • Natural Vs. Chemical Products

    Natural Vs. Chemical Products
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    Natural skin care products are the safest and the most effective means to maintain the good health of your skin. For ages, nature has provided the medical industry with ingredients that have powerful antibiotic, antiseptic, or anti-inflammatory properties which are processed into medicines, serums, ointments, or lotions. Natural dermatological products are mostly found in the… Read more

  • Get Perfect Pout With Lip Gloss!

    Get Perfect Pout With Lip Gloss!

    Lip gloss is a cosmetic product used primarily by teenage girls and young women around the globe to give the lips shine and subtle color. Lip gloss is distributed as a viscous liquid or a soft solid. It can be translucent (clear lip gloss can be layered over regular lipstick for extra shine) or various… Read more

  • Fresh Fruit Facials for Healthy Skin

    Fresh Fruit Facials for Healthy Skin

    I was having tea with a friend last week, and we were discussing our extensive skin care regimens.  As we were exchanging tips and advice, I realized that I have amassed a virtual recipe box of facials that can be done using fresh fruit.  As there are many of you out there that could benefit… Read more

  • Teeth Whitening

    Teeth Whitening

    It is no secret that everyone would love to have perfectly white teeth. Well, what if I told you white teeth are easily attainable? There are several options to whiten your teeth, and not all of them are insanely expensive! The most expensive form of teeth whitening is professionally done by a dentist. This can… Read more

  • Fighting the Visible Signs of Aging

    Fighting the Visible Signs of Aging
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    YOUR SKIN The skin is the largest organ of the body, and is significantly affected by the aging process. Estrogen receptors have been detected on the cellular components of the skin and lower levels of estrogen influence the skin-cell metabolism.  Changes in the skin collagen leads to diminished elasticity and skin strength. There is a… Read more

  • Facial Tips: Scrubs, Masks, and Exfoliators

    Facial Tips: Scrubs, Masks, and Exfoliators
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    Your skin is your body’s largest organ. It’s also the first thing that most people notice about you. It shields your bones, muscles, and blood vessels. Skin is so vital, so why do people not take better care of it?  Not drinking enough water, going out in the sun without sunscreen, and using harsh chemical… Read more

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