Category: General

  • Dry Skin Care

    Dry Skin Care
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    With too many roles for women to juggle in today’s fast paced, high pressured lifestyle, there is very little time for her to pamper herself. With tension, worries, anxiety and age, the skin becomes less active leaving it drier, fragile, prone to wrinkle, lines near the eyes and mouth and losing the youthful colour and… Read more

  • 4 Simple Methods to Clear Up Acne Scars

    4 Simple Methods to Clear Up Acne Scars

    Acne scars can be a major inconvenience to anybody as it gives the idea of a bad skin complexion and sometimes causes a blow to one’s self-confidence. That’s why it is important to understand and know the different ways of treating and clearing up scars left by acne. Here you will understand the different methods… Read more

  • 20 Simple Wrinkle Erasers

    20 Simple Wrinkle Erasers

    Aging of the skin is a natural process by which the collagen and elastin, that keep our skin looking firm and youthful, begin to decline, this results in wrinkles. Cell production and cell quality also diminish over time resulting in wrinkles. These factors unfortunately are out of our control, though diet and supplements can slow… Read more

  • Hello world!

    Hello world!

    Hi! I’m Dorey Duncan Scott, a mother of three, wife and fashion entrepreneur. I started my career in fashion back in the early 90’s when I did print, still and runway modeling. I studied Fashion Merchandising, Music Business and Marketing, while also obtaining certificates in such industry-necessary areas such as make-up, styling and runway choreography.… Read more

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