Woman with Color Contacts

The 21st century very well may be remembered as the point in history when people made rather drastic changes to their physical appearances on what might be considered something of a whim. Plastic surgery — once a relatively uncommon procedure — has become commonplace. However, such drastic changes really are not for everyone.

One avenue through which a person can make a less invasive and far from permanent physical change is the use and wearing of colored contact lenses. As technology in regard to contact lens coloration has advanced over the course of the past ten years, an individual desiring a striking physical change can accomplish his or her goal through the use of colored contact lenses.

When colored contact lenses first hit the market, they were designed in such a manner that only subtle eye coloration changes could be had. All of that has changed in recent years. In this day and age, it is now possible for a brown eyed person to sport blue eyes and for a blue eyed person to make the rounds about town with brown eyes.

In addition to changing a person’s eye color from one naturally occurring hue to another with ease, it is now possible to make even more drastic changes to one’s appearance through the use of what might be considered pretty unusual contact lens designs. For example, if a person were so inclined, he or she can now obtain contact lenses designed in such a manner that a person’s eye appearance can be altered to look like tiger or lion eyes. These types of contact lenses were first used on movie sets. In time, such lenses have become available to consumers generally.

While a person most definitely can make a fashion statement with colored contact lenses, it is important to remember that contact lenses are invasive. By that it is meant a contact lens — when all is said and done — is a foreign object on a person’s eye. With this in mind, it is vitally important that if a person is inclined to utilize contact lenses for fashion reasons, it is important for that person to visit a trained and licensed eye doctor. In obtaining contact lenses for fashion purposes, it is incumbent upon a person to undergo the same types of initial and follow up examinations that are necessary when contact lenses are obtained for matters relating to improving vision.

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Dorey Duncan Scott Senior Litigation Paralegal
Hi! I’m Dorey Duncan Scott, a mother of three, wife and fashion entrepreneur. I started my career in fashion back in the early 90’s when I did print, still and runway modeling. I studied Fashion Merchandising, Music Business and Marketing, while also obtaining certificates in such industry-necessary areas such as make-up, styling and runway choreography. In addition, I had work as a spokesmodel for several brands, appearing in print and in person. As a former model, turned senior litigation paralegal, artist manager and on-air personality with a passion for fashion, beauty, and personal development, I bring a unique combination of style, strategic thinking, and legal expertise to my work. My years navigating the legal world have sharpened my attention to detail, while my experience and passion for fashion, beauty, and personal development drives my desire to help others feel empowered and help them in their journey toward self-empowerment. My experience in the fashion world has taught me the power of confidence. 

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