Tag: acne

  • How To Avoid The Three Most Common Mistakes With SkinCare

    How To Avoid The Three Most Common Mistakes With SkinCare
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    Our skin is our largest organ.  It’s living and breathing and it protects your internal organs from the invasive and dangerous elements of life: viruses, bacteria, pollutants, and harsh weather, including the sun. Many people don’t understand or fully appreciate the role that our skin plays on our overall health and well being.  Most of… Read more

  • Honey – The Secret to Flawless Skin

    Honey – The Secret to Flawless Skin
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    The nectar collected from the flowers is transformed into honey to dress upon some of the most mouth-watering desserts. With the passage of time honey has continued to be one of the main ingredients for skin care. It has maintained its importance due to the beneficial factors. The healing capacity of honey is stupendous making… Read more

  • Facial Tips: Scrubs, Masks, and Exfoliators

    Facial Tips: Scrubs, Masks, and Exfoliators
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    Your skin is your body’s largest organ. It’s also the first thing that most people notice about you. It shields your bones, muscles, and blood vessels. Skin is so vital, so why do people not take better care of it?  Not drinking enough water, going out in the sun without sunscreen, and using harsh chemical… Read more

  • Exercise and Your Complexion

    Exercise and Your Complexion
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    It’s true–regular exercise nourishes the skin all over the body with fresh blood, nutrients and oxygen. At the same time, the increased blood flow and circulation that come with working out helps to draw toxins out of the body, improving the condition of all your vital organs, the epidermis included. Many people think that sweat… Read more

  • Skin Care

    Skin Care

    ‘Facial skin care’ is more a matter of discipline than anything else. A facial skincare routine is what you need (and you need to follow the facial skincare routine with complete seriousness). So let’s check what comprises an effective facial skin care routine. Well, very simply, a facial skincare routine can follow the following 4… Read more

  • 6 Tips on How to Clear Up Acne

    6 Tips on How to Clear Up Acne

    Nobody likes acne, but we are not all lucky enough to have perfect skin. We also all cannot afford the expensive facials we read about in magazines. This is why I put together 6 tips to help clear up your acne from home! When all things fail, consult your trusted dermatologist that would give you… Read more

  • 5 Tips To Improved Skin Care

    5 Tips To Improved Skin Care

    Your skin is the first thing that people notice about you and that is why a proper skincare regimen is so important.  There are many products that claim to help improve skin tone and promote a flawless complexion, but the truth is that there is no such thing as instant results.  An effective skincare regimen… Read more

  • 4 Tips on How to Treat Adult Acne

    4 Tips on How to Treat Adult Acne

    Lots of people are unaware of the fact that adult acne exists and they seem to not know how to treat adult acne. People have this misconception that acne only happens during the teenage years and gradually wears off as they age. For most people, this fact may be true but it is important to… Read more

  • Ten Steps to Clearer Skin

    Ten Steps to Clearer Skin

    At some stage in all of our lives, we want clearer, fresher, younger-looking skin. Well, it can be achieved without dropping a ton of money and it can happen naturally! What you must do is persevere and over the course of three weeks, your skin will begin to look fresher and clearer. Here’s how; These… Read more

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