Tag: aroma

  • DIY Perfume

    DIY Perfume
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    If you don’t like any commercial perfumes, make your own. That’s probably the best thing to do rather than get frustrated from spending hours and hours smelling perfumes in department stores and specialty shops. Also, you might end up creating a scent that is cheaper yet richer and more perfect for your body. When making… Read more

  • Aromatherapy: Revive Your Senses

    Aromatherapy: Revive Your Senses

    The art of aromatherapy had been practiced since the earliest times. Strong evidence was found to link aromatherapy to ancient traditions. Though aromatic oils had been used to treat and cure various ailments and conditions for who knows how long, the formal study on their properties only started in 1928. In its simplest form, aromatherapy… Read more

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