Tag: wrinkles

  • Blue Light From Screens is Wreaking Havoc on Your Skin, Accelerating the Ageing Process Significantly

    Blue Light From Screens is Wreaking Havoc on Your Skin, Accelerating the Ageing Process Significantly
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    What Will You Do to Stop It From Happening to You? Scientists, longevity experts, and dermatologists dissected the alarming impact of digital overexposure on our deteriorating physical and mental well-being. These professionals delved into the myriad ways our constant interaction with screens affects everything from our skin’s aging process to our sleep patterns and stress… Read more

  • Exercise and Your Complexion

    Exercise and Your Complexion
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    It’s true–regular exercise nourishes the skin all over the body with fresh blood, nutrients and oxygen. At the same time, the increased blood flow and circulation that come with working out helps to draw toxins out of the body, improving the condition of all your vital organs, the epidermis included. Many people think that sweat… Read more

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